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30 American Slang Words That You Should Know

30 American Slang Words That You Should Know

Slang words are like a secret code that makes conversations more exciting and colorful.

In the U.S., slang words are commonly used in daily conversations to express ideas more vividly and, sometimes, humorously.

Here, we have compiled a list of 30 American slang words you should know, along with their meanings.

What Is American Slang?

American slang is informal language used by different groups in various regions across the country. It often reflects the culture, trends, and social changes.

Slang words might originate from pop culture, social media, or regional dialects.

Using these words can help you sound more like a native speaker and understand casual conversations better.

Common American Slang Words and Their Meanings

Here’s a list of 30 American slang words and what they mean. Understanding these words can help you navigate through various social situations more comfortably.

Slang Words Starting With A – C

  1. Basic – Someone or something that is unoriginal or mainstream.
  2. Binge – Rapidly consuming something, usually a TV show or series, in a short period.
  3. Broke – Having no money.
  4. Chill – To relax and take it easy.
  5. Clout – Influence or power, especially in social media.

Slang Words Starting With D – F

  1. Dope – Cool or awesome.
  2. Extra – Over the top; unnecessarily dramatic.
  3. Fam – Close friends or family members.
  4. FOMO – Acronym for “Fear Of Missing Out.”

Slang Words Starting With G – I

  1. Ghost – To suddenly cut off all communication with someone.
  2. Goals – Aspirational and admirable targets or qualities.
  3. GOAT – Acronym for “Greatest Of All Time.”
  4. Gucci – Something good or cool; derived from the luxury brand.
  5. Hangry – Being irritable due to hunger.

Slang Words Starting With J – L

  1. JOMO – Acronym for “Joy Of Missing Out.”
  2. Lit – Amazing, exciting, or fun.
  3. Low-Key – Subtle or not blatantly obvious; something you’re not eager to share widely.

Slang Words Starting With M – O

  1. Mood – Something relatable; an emotional state.
  2. No Cap – No lie; telling the truth.
  3. On Fleek – Perfectly done or groomed.

Slang Words Starting With P – R

  1. Petty – Being unnecessarily dramatic about small matters.
  2. RBF – Acronym for “Resting Bitch Face,” which describes an unintentionally irritated facial expression.

Slang Words Starting With S – U

  1. Savage – Bold or brutally honest.
  2. Shade – Disrespect or low-key insult.
  3. Ship – To support a romantic relationship.
  4. Slay – To do something exceptionally well.
  5. Stan – An extremely dedicated fan; originated from Eminem’s song “Stan.”

Slang Words Starting With T – Z

  1. Tea – Gossip or personal information.
  2. Turnt – Excited or energetic, often used to describe a party atmosphere.
  3. Woke – Being aware of social injustices and issues.


Understanding and using these American slang words can help enhance your communication skills and make your conversations more engaging and fun.

Keep in mind that slang words can evolve quickly, so what’s popular today might change tomorrow.


What Is The Origin Of Slang Words?

Slang words often originate from different parts of culture, such as music, films, social media, and regional dialects. They can spread quickly among groups and even become part of mainstream vocabulary.

Why Is Slang Important?

Slang words add color and personality to conversations. They can also help you bond with others by sharing a common language, especially among friends and communities.

Can Slang Words Become Formal?

Some slang words do make their way into formal language over time. For instance, words like “cool” and “dope” have become widely accepted in various forms of communication.

Is It Okay To Use Slang In Professional Settings?

It depends on the context and the workplace culture. Some professional settings may be more relaxed and open to the use of slang, while others may prefer formal language.

How Can I Stay Updated On Current Slang?

Keeping up with pop culture, social media, and conversations with friends can help you stay updated on current slang trends. Watching popular TV shows and listening to music can also give you insight into the latest slang words and their meanings.

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Compiled by Janine & Jan

We’re Janine Swart and Jan Pretorius, the passionate duo behind this platform dedicated to satisfying your thirst for knowledge. Our curiosity knows no bounds, and we love diving into the intricate workings of numbers, systems, and the world around us.